Sunday, October 28, 2012

Cancer changes

how doctors and nurses dealing with cancer patients should hange their viewpoints. the science of cancer is just unraveling just as it has for many years -therefore we need to stop labeling cancer patients as 1st stage 4th stage, end of life etc. who thought of those terms and who decided that 4th stage is the final stage-i tell people that i am 4th stage and terminal but all of us are terminal from the moment we are born-a car might hit us at an early stage in life and that damn sure would be terminal. by labeling it depresses most patients and causes them to simply give up all hope of defeating it and that is such a great shame- they put me on end of life hospice care for a few months till i quit the program-simply made no sense to just give up-yes maybe for medical bills it made sense-they would not have to pay any more for my health care but i think positive thinking has so much to do with how u fight diseases and injuries.
will add more thoughts later-sorry-am tired

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


amazing things are happening.not sure what is going on-the ensure has allowed me to gain weight -a little, 10 pounds or so but the weight has changed my breathing-perhaps increased weight from my stomach onto my hiatal hernia-dont know but somehow i believe a miracle is now happening-we will see-i will let u know in about 2 months or so-all i iknow is when i use my oxygen bottle now i seem to feel bad so my lungs are now being forced to expand and get larger-i guess my body can heal itself-my creater said it would so we will see. keep the prayers coming-seems to be working

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

So many thanks

wow i have lots of ensure now-my heartfelt thanks go out to so many of you and also thqanks for the other gifts  but best of alol thanks to the special 2 who actually wrote a written letter-very personal way to let me know somebody cares-writing letters is such a forgotten art-we all email and instant message which is letter writing but a much faster version. writing letters tho in our own personal handwriting is very special tho-has been very many years since i have gotten a letter-no wonder the post office has problems-
i will write back -will take me time-i was waiting to get a couple poems on printed glossy paper and send a signed copy to the ones who provided me an address-maybe one day my signature will be valuable-who knows

today i went down and bought a pair of jeans for very skinny guys size 30 hahaha i had been wearing my normal jeans but they are soo baggy that i had to go to suspenders-now it looks like i have an ass again -altho a skinny one rofl
i am making my bucket list-most folks create one with missions they can accomplish-well i have decided that is wrong thinking so number one on my list is i have to own a $2 million buck yacht at least 100' long
that should give me another 40 years to live eh?

for my fellow Vets

Mr. Young,

I just read your poem on, and I was moved to tears. This is a picture of most all Vietnam veterans, if they would only just admit to it. My husband served in 70-71 at Red Beach, and he is disabled from an anxiety disorder. He cannot stand crowds, darkness, or anyone to be behind him in a group. Up until recently, he did not admit to many that he was a Vietnam vet. I have gotten him some stickers for his motorcycle and a license plate with Vietnam veteran on it. He also has a cap with that on it. He did not want people to know he served there. I told him to be proud of his service and I have pride in all Vietnam veterans and veterans from other wars too. Most men that I meet that were in Vietnam have issues with anxiety, but some handle it better than others. Our country sent our 'boys' to war, and yes, you all were just boys. My husband says the movies he sees are not correct, in that the actors are too old, he said he did not see old men there, just kids. I think part of the reason for all the patriotism today, is that most of the parents of today's soldiers are Vietnam veterans, or people from that time that saw how they were treated. My husband mentioned to me about the name 'baby-killer' and how much it hurt to be called that. I cannot understand a country sending young men to war and then just abandoning them when they return. My father served in Korea and he has the same problems. When I was young, and even now, we knew not to touch Dad when he was not aware we were there. He just lashed out and hit whatever touched him. He will not speak of much that he saw, he holds it all inside. My mother told me about this; not Dad. A man at our church, that grew up in the community that I did, was in Vietnam and Cambodia and he has nightmares from the things that he saw there. His wife said he has it very rough sometimes. A girl that I worked with told me of her husband and how he would not sleep in the house but in a hammock in their garage and had the same anxiety problems that my husband had. I know it is not just Americans that have these problems, all soldiers do, regardless of what country they are from. God bless you and touch the raw places in your heart and heal them. I love my Vietnam Vet and the rest of them too!!!!!!

Best wishes,
A Proud Veteran's Wife

Monday, October 1, 2012

What is Faith

we all say i have faith in you or i have faith in God or many other sayings.
I asked God where is the miracle you promised me when i died. God's reply was rich, i gave you a miracle-i brought you back to life. I replied well how about the miracle of healing my body. God said Rich you need faith not in me but yourself. Faith means sheerly putting you own life on line to believe in me and create your own miracle.. 

That being said-i have been taking 3 heart meds per day-1 2 times a day. To test my faith 4 days ago i stopped all heart meds-so don't blame any doctor if i fail. All my life i have pushed my limits. I have the meds handy if i falter -lol i am not stupid. We will see. One day i hope to heal my entire body-yes it takes alot of people believing they will see a miracle so now you all must also have faith-smiles.