Sunday, October 28, 2012

Cancer changes

how doctors and nurses dealing with cancer patients should hange their viewpoints. the science of cancer is just unraveling just as it has for many years -therefore we need to stop labeling cancer patients as 1st stage 4th stage, end of life etc. who thought of those terms and who decided that 4th stage is the final stage-i tell people that i am 4th stage and terminal but all of us are terminal from the moment we are born-a car might hit us at an early stage in life and that damn sure would be terminal. by labeling it depresses most patients and causes them to simply give up all hope of defeating it and that is such a great shame- they put me on end of life hospice care for a few months till i quit the program-simply made no sense to just give up-yes maybe for medical bills it made sense-they would not have to pay any more for my health care but i think positive thinking has so much to do with how u fight diseases and injuries.
will add more thoughts later-sorry-am tired


  1. Glad to hear you are out of hospice. Hope you regain strength. Sounds like they've got you mislabelled. Hugs

    1. i refuse to let any label get to me-live your life exactly as you wish dont let it be dictated to you-and push your limits-that is the key to healing or at least coping with your illness
