Saturday, March 23, 2013


I have repeatedly told you God has promised a miracle when I died and came back. The miracle is happening, thanks to so many friends helping me and praying for me. Two months ago I had no appetite as many terminally ill cancer patients go through the process.  Every day I take my meds and pain meds and get on my old trusty cheap stationary bicycle and ride it like I am in the tour de France. Push your limits in every thing you do in life and even with love. My bp once hit 205/190 or so and now is down to almost normal. While in intensive care after my cardiac arrest and flurry of heart attacks, 8 or more, in two days I had a heart to heart talk to my doctor. I told him straight out-Doc this is now just an insurance game and I am so bored here so send me home so I can die with dignity and honor. I had nobody at home at that time to help me in anyway. Then along came a dear friend, Debbie, who needed a place to live till she could be with her boyfriend. Daily she would get on my case-quit whining about your pain and suffering Rich and fight it damn you. I know of nobody who has been through more than Deb-she has been shot -stabbed and died 4 times and stomach cancer and untold operations but never complained one iota. God had to have sent Deb to me-She is now with her boyfriend and doing well and still checks up on me weekly. We think we have friends-they say they are-but until you get deathly sick you never know if they are loyal or not. My ex wife and I became great friends after our divorce and was always there encouraging me too. Sadly at 53 she had a sudden heart attack and died. I will miss her company.  Now I find beauty and laughter daily in almost everything I see and do, even simple things. Will Rogers once said " If there is no malice in your heart then there will be none in your words"